Improving health for a modern Lewis and Clark expedition
The original Lewis and Clark expedition took quite a bit of time to plan and if you want to do your own version of this expedition, there are several things that you need to do to prepare.
Improve physical fitness and overall health
It is not an easy trip to make and to do it successfully in the time that you have available, it is a good idea to make sure that you are in the best possible physical condition. This means improving your fitness levels and stamina so that you can keep up with the others on your trip.
If you are a smoker you will find that this might hold you back. It can impact your breathing and your energy levels. It can be helpful to make the switch to nicotine pouches a couple of months before the trip. This will help your body to adapt better and recover from any ongoing use of cigarettes. Take a look at the website for GotPouches for more information on the range of nicotine pouches that are available.
Taking along nicotine pouches from GotPouches will also mean that you won’t have to transport cartons of cigarettes and it is a much more pleasant habit for those around you. You will not smell of cigarettes, which some people can find off-putting.
More exercise
Doing a little training in advance of the trip can also be beneficial. Hiking and canoeing are just two of the activities you should be doing more of, so that when the trip arrives, you will find them much easier to do.
A little research on the original expedition will help to give you an idea of the routes used and the hazards that were faced. Planning ahead will help you to deal with any problems before they arise.
By Magnus
- 3, Aug, 2024