Bringing Your Expeditionist Passion Indoors

If you’re anything like me, the call of the wild is always beckoning. The thrill of exploration, the rush of discovery; it’s a siren song that’s impossible to ignore. But just because we can’t always be out there forging new paths doesn’t mean we have to give up that sense of adventure entirely.

Maps, Globes, and Travel Souvenirs

Incorporate maps and globes into your decor to evoke a sense of wanderlust. Hang vintage maps on the walls or display a stylish globe as a centerpiece. You can even create a gallery wall with maps from your favorite destinations. As for souvenirs, display all you have collected from expeditions around the world. These could include artifacts, textiles, artwork, or even shells. Each item tells a story and adds a unique touch to your decor.

Opt for Good Furniture Covers

Don’t settle for a humdrum living room when you can craft an indoor oasis that captures the intrepid essence of the outdoors. With the right Bemz furniture covers, you can bring that expeditionist spirit into your own home. Durable, versatile, and designed to withstand the rigors of the great outdoors, these covers let you fit your living space with the same rugged functionality you’d demand from your camping gear. Whether you’re looking to protect your sofa from the elements or transform a plain armchair into a proper basecamp-ready seat, Bemz’s selection of furniture covers has you covered

Adventure Gear

There could be no better way to express your passion for expeditions than showcasing your outdoor gear as functional decor. Hang hiking backpacks on hooks, display climbing ropes as wall art, or mount skis or snowshoes on the wall as a statement piece. Not only does this add visual interest, but it also serves as a reminder of past adventures.

Travel Photography

Why can’t you turn your own travel photos into works of art by printing and framing them? Create a gallery wall or scatter framed photos throughout your home to bring back memories of your expeditions and inspire conversations with guests.

Preparing for a Modern-Day Lewis and Clark Expedition

The original journey of Lewis and Clark, back in 1804 would have been a huge undertaking and took a year of preparation. The initial venture challenged them to find a passage from the Missouri River to the Pacific. If you wish to follow in their footsteps, you must build up your stamina and endurance. There will be elements of canoeing, hiking, and navigating rough terrain. Strength and cardiovascular fitness will be necessary. Mental toughness will also play a part.

Developing a Fitness Plan

Before starting your intense fitness regime, you must be dressed appropriately, and a well-fitted sports bra is highly recommended. The seamless sports bra from Aim’n would be ideal, as it offers both support and comfort. Running, cycling and swimming should be included in your endurance training, to ensure you can cope with the demands of the expedition. Bodyweight exercises will build the necessary strength for carrying the equipment.

The original journey was over eight thousand miles, and took 28 months. Rather than recreating the whole expedition, focusing on just one area may be more sensible. This will still require a huge amount of planning but could be a more realistic option.

Exploring Fitness Frontiers

Anybody who enjoys history will be familiar with the Lewis and Clark expedition, which took place during the early 19th century. This epic journey took over 2 years. If you have a taste for adventure, you may be inspired to create your own tribute to this amazing feat. Of course, this isn’t really realistic, but there is nothing to stop you from planning a long-distance hike. This will, of course, require a certain level of fitness.

Be a Fitness Trailblazer

Your fitness quest will undoubtedly start with workouts, and you will need appropriate tops for gym visits and these can be acquired from the well-respected brand of Aim’n. They have a huge range of styles and colours to choose from, to fit all sizes. They would also be ideal to take on your journey, as they have sleeveless vests and long-sleeved hoodies, so you are prepared for all weather.

Your personal expedition may require overnight camping, and the gym tops from Aim’n are comfortable enough to sleep in and add a welcome layer of warmth. Your journey may not make the history books, but if you try hard enough, you will gain an immense amount of satisfaction from the trip!

Follow in the footsteps of Lewis & Clark

History enthusiasts who want to find out more about the Lewis & Clark Expedition should make sure they add the Lewis & Clark Boat House and Museum to their list of places to visit. Located in St Charles, Missouri, this museum is home to all manner of artefacts about the expedition. Staffed by re-enactors, there are regular demonstrations at the museum designed to teach visitors about every aspect of their life and work.

The museum is suitable for people who have a mobility issue or who have undergone recent surgery such as elective cosmetic surgery. Visitors can access the second floor of the building via an elevator, which makes it easier for those who need to be careful after having implants such as the Motiva Ergonomix and need to take it easy.

If you choose Motiva for your augmentation then you are assured of good post-op advice, they will tell you exactly what to expect after surgery and also advise on how much rest you need.

One of the main attractions at the museum is the replica boats, which were painstakingly built by volunteers. However, occasionally the boats are pressed into service for re-enactments and they have appeared on TV shows. Visitors to the museum can also learn more about Native American culture and local wildlife. Why not join one of the guided tours where you can ask questions as you view the exhibits?

Preparing for an Expedition

Preparation for the expedition was exhaustive, and Jefferson had his own territorial and economic motivations for the journey. He had acquired plenty of knowledge about the subject which was shared with Lewis. Lewis was directed by Jefferson to study various matters related to medicine, astronomy, navigation, geography, and mapping under his supervision. Other well-known experts assisted Lewis with his studies, and Lewis took to the preparations well.

The explorers prepared a keelboat created near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It held various provisions and items for their journey. They traveled down the Ohio River to meet Clark near Louisville, Kentucky, in 1803. Their boat contained many items for trade with the native Indians. It included silver peace medals with Jefferson inscribed on them. These friendship medals were to be distributed to tribes they met. The boat also held weapons to display military prowess and protect the party, such as high-grade European weaponry, firearms, knives, metals, and the best mapping and cartography equipment. They also prepared medicines, gifts, flags, and all kinds of survival equipment.

Lewis and Clark were prepared as much as they could be. They had been influenced by the journey of Moncacht-Apé who was a Native American explorer from the Yazoo tribe near Mississippi. It is believed he made a journey in the early 1700s across North America. His story and itinerary were given to French explorer Antoine-Simon Le Page du Pratz, who then published this in his memoirs. In the 1750s. A book with Le Page’s book was published in 1763 and was used by European and American pioneers,

Jefferson had Le Page’s book with Moncacht-Apé’s itinerary, and Lewis also took a copy with him during the expedition of the Northwest. However, it was in no way a perfect guide as it did not contain information about getting through the Rocky Mountains. Lewis and Clark believed that it was possible to transport boats from Missouri’s headwaters flowing westward, which proved to be untrue.

The journey was influenced by Jefferson’s knowledge and readings of explorers such as Captain James Cook and his voyages to the Pacific Ocean. Jefferson also read about Alexander Mackenzie’s routes to the Pacific coast in British Columbia in 1793. Mackenzie’s writings influenced Jefferson’s need to find a way westwards as soon as possible. Jefferson knew from Mackenzie’s reports of the Brit’s intention of controlling the area through the Columbia River. His interest in the journey was based upon this fact.

The Louisiana Purchase

The Lewis and Clark expedition came about because of The Louisiana Purchase, which was negotiated between Thomas Jefferson and Napolean from France. The Kingdom of France wanted to sell the land to the U.S because of financial pressures resulting from other conflicts with the United Kingdom and other revolts in their territories. Thomas Jefferson was excited about the prospect of acquiring the land and wanted to get control of the Mississippi River port of New Orleans. It was possible for the government to purchase an area of land that stretched from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains for $15 million. The price of $2.50 per square mile was hard for Jefferson to pass over, and he perused the sale.

The purchase was not supported by the Federalist Party, but Jefferson and Secretary of State James Madison convinced Congress to fund the purchase after the debate. The sale would add 828,000 square miles (2,144,510 square km) of land from France. In April 1803, the land was purchased under President Thomas Jefferson’s government. The purchase would result in The Louisiana Purchase, which included areas of the Mississippi River that were mostly unexplored and unknown to both the U.S. and France.

The Louisiana Purchase almost doubled the size of the U.S. It covers many states and provinces in the present-day U.S and Canada. The purchase also includes Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska. Big areas of North and South Dakota; Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and some of Minnesota, New Mexico, Texas; New Orleans, Louisiana, Alberta, and Saskatchewan were also discovered during the journey.

Thomas Jefferson and others in the government wanted to know what was purchased as they had little knowledge of the area in question. After the purchase of the land, President Jefferson asked Congress to approve $2,500 for a journey of exploration into the west.

The goal of the journey would be to map the newly acquired Louisiana territory. Another primary objective was to find a water route to the Pacific Ocean through the north-west and increase trade throughout the region and the U.S. Other secondary purposes were to study plant and animal life as well as geography. Establishing relations and dealing with the Indian tribes was another objective. The journey would accomplish a resounding number of goals related to biology, scientific discovery, botany, archeology, and even climatology.

From the beginning of the journey, many of the party took journals of what they saw and experienced on their trip. The journey was important in the history of the U.S and exploration and expansion. It would be of vital importance in the subsequent knowledge of the area and what other explorers could expect on their journey westward. The Lousiana Purchase needed to be justified, and a group of men would be responsible for showing the fruitfulness of such a purchase by Jefferson and the government.

The Explorers

A team of explorers was made up of 35 men, including Captain Meriwether Lewis and Army officer William Clark. Lewis was experienced with the western lands and was possessed with excellent leadership skills, strength, and knowledge of different outdoor environments. He also understood pressure situations and had a cool head. Clark was his equal, had an excellent understanding of the outdoors, and was a mapmaker with an excellent knowledge of geography. Both men were accomplished leaders but were not perfect and had their own demons to fight. They were short-tempered at times, and Lewis was known for his drinking and bouts of depression. At times Clark would beat his slave and work against the interests of the native Indians.

The other men were made up of experienced builders, hunters, interpreters, navigators, and outdoorsmen. The team was chosen carefully for their skills, reliability, and experience. They had to share many responsibilities to ensure the journey was successful. The party needed to predict the geography, navigate well and understand various animals and plants. They were responsible for the health of their own animals and other people in the party. The group also had to understand the customs and languages of the native Indians. An incredible range of outdoor skills for making fire, finding water, and predicting the weather was also required.

These skills are to be admired in light of the journey that the men were undertaking. Some of the lands were completely unknown by both the French or the U.S government. The explorers needed to travel down rivers and across the land with a large number of items for the party or trading with the Indians they may come across. The men would be confronted with a whole range of challenges and needed all their skills.

The Land and the Route

The Lewis and Clark expedition did not discover a route for water and a Northwest Passage as Thomas Jefferson had hoped. However, the group traveled 8000 miles and returned with only one person deceased. The journey was without widespread deceit or violence from within the group. The party successfully surveyed the Louisiana Territory from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Maps and information resulting from the journey contained valuable information about the geography and terrain of the area. These maps would prove to be hugely important for westward expansion and further exploration to support the economy.

Hundreds of animals and botanical species were also documented during the journey, and the expedition had made diplomatic and trade relations with native Indian tribes. Despite some conflict with the Teton Sioux, most associations with the native Indians were relatively peaceful. Gifts and other items were exchanged with the Indian chiefs as they moved west. The natives proved to be a valuable source of information and often guided them through the challenging terrain. Knowing good native guides would be significant for more discovery of the area in the future.

The journey was viewed by the government and public as a resounding success. They acknowledged the scientific and geographic discoveries and peaceful contact with the native Indians.

The Native Indians

Native American tribes occupied much of the land that the Lewis and Clark expedition moved through, and around 50 tribes were encountered during the journey. Tribes discovered included the Shoshone, Mandan, Minitari, Blackfeet, Chinook, and the Sioux people. Most encounters were peaceful and friendly because Lewis and Clark had built up a reputation for developing a protocol when making their first contact. However, they were assisted during the expedition by a native American woman named Sacagawea, who met the party in Mandan.

Sacagawea’s knowledge meant that Lewis and Clark were aware they would be in contact with Shoshone tribes heading west. Sacagawea was used as an interpreter and a peacemaker. Weapons were traded between the party, and Shoshone tribes were also aided by Sacagawea. The help of the tribes was also important during the long winter and while navigating through difficult areas.

Lewis and Clark usually bartered goods and gave Jefferson Indian Peace Medal to the tribes before being welcomed. They also offered military protection in exchange for peace. Some Indians trusted the white men while others were more hostile, like the Teton Sioux, who tried to prevent the expedition from leaving. The military soon helped disperse the conflict with superior firepower.